Road Map of Croatia is a particularly easy-to-survey map rich in content and in addition to the territory of Croatia it also covers the territories of Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Within the design and construction process all cartographic experiences and practice as well as computer techniques have been applied. Exquisitely combined and fitted shadows of relief particularly contributed to its design. Although it falls into the category of small scale maps its content is transparent and easy-to-survey.
This map is of a more recent date and it depicts the most current contents in this region. The coastline area that includes a great number of tourism destinations and summer resorts was specially updated and displayed in detail. It is really easy to find information on the top-quality and the shortest road, mileage, airport location, ferry lines, border crossings…
For easy reference, there is an easy-to-survey term index printed on the back side of the map. A legend of used symbols is explained in Serbian, English and German.
When folded it is convenient for being carried.

Product code scale dimensions
000610 1: 700 000 width 70cm, height 80cm